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Awards Chapel Album 1

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

President Patrick White introduces students, family, and friends to the 2013 Student Honors Chapel.

a group of men standing on a red carpet

Division 1 students who received distinction on comprehensive exams along with Professor Scott Feller, Chair of Division 1.

a man shaking hands with another man

Chemistry Professor Scott Feller awarded Weston Kitley with the Treves Award in Science.

a man and woman shaking hands

The Ernest G. Carscallen Prize in Biology winner Tuan Nguyen and Professor of Biology Amanda Ingram.

a group of people sitting in pews

Jean Williams (right), wife of the late Eliot Williams was recognized. Emeritus Professor Joe O'Rourke and First Lady Chris White look on.

a group of people posing for a photo

Adam Barnes, Eliot Williams Prize in Biology winner, with Professor Amanda Ingram and Jean Williams.

a man and woman standing together

The Thomas A. Cole Alumni Prize in Biology was awarded by Professor Amanda Ingram to Justin Sparks.

a group of men standing on stairs

Professor Lon Porter recognized Peter Santa Maria and Shengshuang Zhu as the recipients of the Edgar C. Britton Memorial Award in Chemistry.

a group of men holding red folders

The Howell Chemistry Award went to Brent Ledford, Adam Pagryzinski, and David Wintczak. Professor Lon Porter presented the students with their award.

a couple of men in suits

Chemistry professor Lon Porter presented Ryan Cloyd with the Underwood Award in Chemistry.

a group of men in suits shaking hands

Mathematics Professor Will Turner awarded the George E. Carscallen Prize in Mathematics to Christopher Gorman and Yifei Sun.

a man holding a red box

The Harold Q. Fuller Prize in Physics winner Drew Songer with Professor of Physics Jim Brown.

a group of people holding red folders

Students who earned distinction on comprehensive exams in Division 2 along with Division 2 Chair Cheryl Hughes.

a man and a man smiling

Art Professor Doug Calisch recognized Hung Muong as the winner of the David B. Greene Award for Distinguished Work in Art History.

a group of men posing for a photo

The Randolph H. Deer Prize for Outstanding and Continued Work in Art was awarded to Brady Gilliam and John Vosel by Professor Doug Calisch.

a group of men standing together

Winners of the Husting Art Award Joey Fogel and Chase Tichenor with Professor Doug Calisch.

a group of men holding books

The McLain Prize in Classics was awarded to William Kline and John Streiff by Professor of Classics Jeremy Hartnett.

a group of men in suits

Professor Marc Hudson presented the Nicholas Harrison Essay Award. Winners were 1st place, Jordan Surenkamp, 2nd place, Timothy Haffner, and 3rd place, Nikolas Jones.

a man in suits shaking hands with another man in a suit

The Robert S. Edwards Award in Creative Writing was awarded to Ian Grant by Professor Marc Hudson.

a group of men standing together

Nathaniel Chapman and Scott Morrison, Ruth Margaret Farber Award in English winners, along with English Professor Marc Hudson.

a group of men in suits

Professor Marc Hudson awarded Riley Floyd and Wyatt Lewis with the Walter L. Fertig Prize in English.

a man standing next to a man smiling

The Robert A. King German Prize winner Keaton Becher was recognized by Modern Languages Professor Gilberto Gómez.

two men in suits smiling

Professor Gilberto Gómez and Kudlaty Senior Spanish Award winner Matthew Paul.

a man holding a piece of paper

The Annie Crim Leavenworth French Prize was awarded to Pedro Martinez by Professor Gilberto Gómez.

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