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Cooking with the President

a group of people cooking in a kitchen

Robert Van Kirk ’07, a chef since his high school days and president of the Wabash Cooking Club, prepares a seafood dish for President White and First Lady Chris White in their Elston Homestead kitchen. Fellow cooking club member Josh Owens ’07 assisted Van Kirk.

a man and woman talking

Van Kirk intentionally chose a dish that could be prepared while talking with guests in the kitchen. "That way, you can pay attention to your guests, and the conversations can continued while you're cooking." Here Robert talks with First Lady Chris White.

a man in a blue shirt and tie laughing

Josh Owens and President White enjoy their conversation in the President's kitchen.

a pan of bacon wrapped shrimp

Robert's work—pancetta-wrapped prawns—sizzles in the pan.

a group of people standing in a line

A pleasant interruption: One of the purposes of the meal was to make sure President White, Chris, and Dean Gary Phillips would be at Elston Homestead to hear students "sing-in" the President and First Lady.

a group of people walking in front of a house

The President, First Lady, and Dean "join the chorus."

a group of people clinking glasses

Host and hostess, chefs, and guests toast the students' work, both vocal and culinary, as well as the evening's enjoyable conversations. The beginning of a tradition?

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