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2006 Alumni Chapel Sing II

a white truck with red flags on top of it

The Class of 1966 makes a grand entrance down the College mall for their turn in the Alumni Chapel Sing.

a group of people marching in a parade

Tom Runge's new slogan might be: "Run - Don't Walk" to Big Bash thanks to the Class of '66.

a group of people in red shirts

A handful of current students are on campus through the summer months. These guys turned out and appreciated the vocal efforts.

a group of men in red shirts

The whole weekend, including Chapel Sing, is a time to catch up with old friends.

a group of people with a boy and a woman

Robin Steiner, and sons Benjamin and Christopher, listen to husband and dad Dave Steiner '81 sing 'Old Wabash.'

a man wearing red shirt


Professor Emeritus of Biology Aus Brooks ’61 sings 'Old Wabash.'

a red shirt with a cartoon character on it

Wally has gotten a little paunch as he's aged. The Class of '66 had special shirts made up with a 'Grandpa Wally.'

a group of people taking pictures

There's no better photo op for wives and friends than the grand finale of the Alumni Chapel Sing when all the Wabash men come together for one rousing rendition of 'Old Wabash.'

a dog lying in the grass

Willy Wabash

Willy Wabash, friend of Angie and Mark Flexter ’76, relaxes after a strenuous Chapel Sing.

a group of people walking on a sidewalk

After Chapel Sing there was a bit of a parade to lunch!

a group of men holding a baby


Ross Weatherman ’91, now a professor at Purdue, introduces his son to his former track coach Rob Johnson H’77.

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