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Big Bash Fun Run ’06

men running on a track

A sign of things to come: Rounding the turn after 400 meters, Bill Hausmann ’71 and Tony Basch ’96 ran side by side. Basch would win the two-mile race with Houseman the first to cross the line after four miles.

a man running on a track

Mighty Strong: Celebrating his 35th reunion didn't slow down Bill Hausmann, who finished the four-mile fun run first with a time of 25:54. Not only was he the oldest finisher of the four-mile run, but he was the overall winner.

a man wearing sunglasses and holding a cooler

Tony Basch ’96 stops after two miles to get a drink. He was the first person to finish the two-mile event!

a man running on a track

It was just another day in the park for John Flanigan ’66, who looked plenty strong after two miles.

an old man in a tank top and shorts

For a while, organizers thought Hal Sommer ’61 was the oldest competitor to complete the two-mile run. Moments later Mark Hopkins ’56 crossed the line.

a man standing on a track

Mark Hopkins ’56 says he runs two miles about three or four times each week. He had little trouble finishing two miles at the Big Bash Fun Run. He was also the oldest competitor to run the race.

a man pushing a child in a stroller

Not everybody chose to run early Saturday morning. Class Agent Kip Aitken ’91 and his family enjoyed a nice two-mile walk on a cool, sunny morning.

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