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NAWM Board's Faculty Reception

a group of men talking

Profs. Mark Brouwer and Steve Webb '83 talk with board member Kelley House '90 before dinner.

a group of people having a conversation

Duane Hile '67 chats with Prof. David Maharry and his wife Ginny.

a group of men talking and drinking

Eric Rowland '86 and Professor Bill Placher '70.

a group of people sitting around a table

Prof. John Aden '92, Hugh Vandivier '91, NAWM board student member Brett Gann '07, Prof. Paul LePlae, and Prof. Tim Lake converse during dinner.

a group of people sitting around a table

A lively discussion with Don Wagner '82, Charlie Bell '66, Prof. Tobey Herzog, Mike Warren '93, Prof. Bill Placher '70, and Eric Rowland '86. 

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