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Mitchum Crock

a brown crock with red writing on it

The Mitchum Crock - it's what they play for....and much more.

a group of men standing outside

President Pat White talks with Tracy Williams '84 and his son before the outing

a group of men standing on a golf course

Pat White shares a light moment with outing organizer Lee Clark '73.

a man driving a golf cart

Brad Johnson '71 is all smiles - that's before the rough on hole #2!

a man standing in a field holding a sign

Steve Stambaugh '09 might be the youngest outing sponsor we have had! Thanks Steve.
He's on an internship for the summer with St. Vincents

a man playing golf on a golf course

Roger Senkbeil '68 lets it rip on the #2 tee box.

a man standing in a room with other people

Jason Jablonski '05 won the award for the longest drive

a group of men holding a bucket

The Crock Champions - Chip Timmons '96, Patrick McGuire '08, and Tim Servies '87

a group of men in red hats

Tom Dean '72, Chip Timmons '96, Davey Neal '01, and Squier Neal '66 talk about their respective rounds

a group of men sitting in a room

Dave Reed '89 was one of the alumni who helped make the event a great success. Here's Dave presenting the prizes during the raffle.

a man in a blue shirt

Coach Creighton was on hand to give the group an update on the upcoming football season.

a man in a red shirt

Pat White gives everyone a quick update on the College during the after-dinner program.

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