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Spring Storms Rip Through Campus II

a fallen tree on the side of a road

Brush from one of the large evergreen trees which fell across the mall entrance are pile along side the road Saturday morning.

a road with trees and a sign

Look closely above the Wabash College sign and you'll see where the tree was chopped off by the storm's strong winds.

a building with trees in the background

Another look at the large evergreen that was snapped.

a fire on a lamp post in front of a building

The wind didn't limit itself to trees and roofs. The strong gusts dislodged this lamp on one of the mall's lamp posts.

a tree next to a building

A look at the roof damage to Kingery Hall.

a damaged roof of a house

A view from a corner office that no one ever expected.

a man cutting a tree with a chainsaw

Senior Gifts Officer David Troutman was among several helping cut up the huge white oak tree the storm destroyed.

a broken furniture in a room

Another of the upstair offices in Kingery Hall.

a man carrying boxes on the street

Dean of Advancement Joe Emmick helps remove records and equipment from the call room on Kingery's first floor.

a man standing next to another man

Director of Computer Services Brad Weaver and Dean of Advancement Joe Emmick look over the downstairs computer lab.

a door with a sign on it

Here is a view down the hallway in Kingery's second floor.

a group of people standing near a pile of wood

Workers start to clear the roofing materials from the railroad tracks early Saturday morning.

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