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Big Bash Friday Night Awards Dinner

a group of men holding a large check

President Pat White accepts the Class of 1962's gift from Gift Chair David Downen and Class Agents Terry Fewell and Thom Feit.

a man in a suit and tie clapping

President White applauds the alumni.

two men hugging each other

Kiefer Mendenhall ’62 greets classmate Phil Johnson.

a man in a suit

Professor Emeritus of Biology Aus Brooks ’61

a man hugging another man

Phil Johnson ’62

a man and woman talking

President Pat and Chris White talk with Paul Honan ’43.

a group of men laughing

Ted Steeg ’52 is welcomed by President and Mrs. White.

a woman in a red shirt

Wabash Archivist Beth Swift listens to alumni.

a group of people at a convention

Senior Director of Communications and Marketing Jim Amidon ’87 listens to his classmates.

a man and woman hugging

Ted Steeg ’52 is greeted by Chris White.

a man pointing at something

Josh Bellis ’08 returned once again to work with Bon Apetit for the reunion meals.

a man hugging another man

Josh Bellis is greeted by Alice Phillips, wife of Dean of the College Gary Phillips.

a man in a red sweater

Brent Sutton ’62

a group of people sitting at a table

Director of Alumni Affairs and Interim Dean for Advancement Tom Runge ’71 visits with Paul Honan ’43.

a man shaking hands with another man

Class Agent Terry Fewell receives his 50th reunion medallion from President White.

a man shaking hands with another man

Class Agent Thom Feit receives his 50th reunion medallion from the president.

a man standing at a podium

President White addresses the Awards Banquet.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Tom Runge ’71 served as MC.

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