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'The Kaddish Series': A Gift from Joanne and Gary Reamey '77

a painting of a woman with flowers

'The Kaddish Series', master printmaker Mauricio Lasansky's 'petition to peace and survival in the shadow of the Holocaust, is a series of eight prints that took three years to produce. 'It is significant both because of the artist who created it, and because of the person who has given us this gift,' said Professor of Art Doug Calisch.

a man and woman looking at art

Wabash First Lady Chris White and Trustee Andy Anderson ’65 look closely at 'Kaddish #4', one of 'The Kaddish Series' now exhibited in the College's Gregory Huebner Gallery. The intaglio prints by an artist considered one of the fathers of modern printmaking are seemingly straightforward, but are incredibly complex. Etching, engraving, soft-ground, aquatint and other techniques are combined in the multi-plate prints, which have as many as 40 separate pieces in a single mage, meticulously fitted together like a puzzle.

a man in a suit and tie speaking at a podium

President Pat White thanks Joanne and Gary Reamey and welcomes Gary to the podium: 'When I was a graduate student at the University of Iowa, Mauricio Lasansky's work was exhibited in the gallery, and I spent a lot of time there. Some of his work was the first thing you would see when you walked in. So it’s personally very moving for me to have this work on our campus, and I know it will become part of the lived experience and education of Wabash men.'

a man and woman smiling

Joanne and Gary Reamey made the gift of Lasansky's work in memory of Gary's mother, Norma Lou Sherrow Reamey.

a man standing in a hallway

Gary Reamey's remarks began with a lighthearted reference to his classmate and fellow trustee, Kevin Clifford…

a group of men standing together

Clifford and his fellow trustees enjoy the moment.

a man standing at a podium

But Reamey's story of how the works found their way to Wabash was both moving and surprising.

two men hugging each other

Professor of Art Doug Calisch hugs Reamey after Gary told his story. In his own remarks, Calisch paid tribute to 'professors like David Greene, Fred Enenbach, and Greg Huebner who, back when Gary was a student here, taught students about the power and the significance of the arts.'

men in suits holding up glasses of liquid

Trustee Paul Woolls ’75 and President White honor the Reamey's gift with a toast.

a group of people talking

Gary Reamey's teacher, Professor Emeritus of Art Greg Huebner '77, visits with Chris White.

a man and woman standing next to each other

Gary and Joanne Reamey beside the plaque commemorating their gift honoring Gary mother.

a group of people posing for a photo

Gary and Joanne Reamey with Mary and Greg Huebner

two men standing together smiling

Gary Reamey with his teacher, Professor Greg Huebner.

a group of people standing together

Reamey with fellow trustee and long-time Edward Jones colleague, Andy Anderson '65

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