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2005 Monon Bell Stag

a group of men in suits and ties

Wabash's Mark Dill '75, Jim Spears '50, and President Andy Ford H'03 talk during the reception

a man writing on a paper

DePauw's roaster Mark Dinwiddie '71 puts the final details on his remarks 

men in suits talking to each other

Don Shelbourne W'72 and Joe Barnette W'61, chairman of the Board of Trustees, chat before dinner 

a group of people talking

Jim Amidon W'87, Greg Miller W'83, Pete Metzelaars W'82, and Bill Kennedy W'83 tell tales of past Monon Bell games

a football helmet on a table

The Spirit of the Monon Bell Award

a group of men in suits

Don Smith D'78, Jon Pactor W'71, and Chris Carr W'82 before dinner

a group of men talking

Long-time DePauw head coach Nick Mourouzis (l) talks to several DePauw alumni prior to dinner

men holding a football helmet

Wabash president Andy Ford H'03 (l) receives the Spirit of the Monon Bell Award from DePauw's Mark Dinwiddie '71

men in suits talking to each other

Chris Carr W'82 congratulates Phil Eskew D'63 on his reception of the Spirit of the Monon Bell Award

a man standing at a podium

The president of the Indianapolis association of Wabash Men, Brad Johnson '71, served as Wabash's emcee for the evening

a man standing at a podium

DePauw's roaster, Mark Dinwiddie '71, does his best to slam the Little Giants

a man standing at a podium

Wabash's roaster Chris Carr '82 picks on the Dannies

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