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The Jasmine Robinson Pioneer Award

a woman holding a white book

Indiana Historical Society Senior Archivist Wilma Moore accepted the inaugural Jasmine Robinson Pioneer Award from the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies on Wednesday night.

a woman holding a framed award

The award's namesake, Jasmine Robinson, was also honored by the MXI, represented here by director Tim Lake and president Charles Jackson. Robinson was the first African American employed at Wabash and has mentored generations of Wabash men through her work with the MXI.

a woman wearing glasses and a white coat


MXI Associate Director Amina McIntyre welcomed guests to the ceremony.

a woman with red hair wearing a denim jacket and a blue earring


Cushandra Andrews sang "Lift Every Voice and Sing."

a man holding a magazine


Ryan Morris, Shayne Dube, and Brandon McKinney (pictured) performed a poetic tribute to African American women.

a man in a red shirt


MXI President Charles Jackson presented the awards.

a woman holding a small ball


Wilma Moore enjoys a lighter moment during her acceptance speech.

a man wearing a vest and tie

Director Tim Lake congratulates Shane Dube, Ryan Morris, and Brandon McKinney on their performance.

a man in a vest and tie

Howard Bailey sings a stirring musical number.

a man and woman posing for a photo


Associate Dean Mike Raters and Jasmine Robinson posed for a photo after the ceremony. Raters interviewed Robinson for the Wabash Oral History Project in 1982, when Raters was a student at the College.

a group of people talking

Wabash President Pat White and his wife, Chris, talk with MXI guests

medium shot of women smiling

Pioneers: Jasmine Robinson and Wilma Moore

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