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Photo Albums

Moss Point

a group of people posing for a photo

The guys who traveled to Moss Point take a moment for a group shot.

a fallen tree over a house

A house in the neighborhood near Nikeland Cooper's home. Read Nikeland's account of the Mississippi trip.

a house with a broken roof

A common scene of neighborhood damage.

a house with a chimney in the back

Here a roof has totally collapsed onto its foundation.

a house destroyed by a tornado

Even brick homes were not match for Katrina's fury.

a man standing in front of a trash can

Paul Heinemann '06 and Tony Caldwell '07 remove debris.

a group of people sitting at a table

The guys enjoy a bite to eat. There were centers set up for all relief workers for meals.

a group of people at a buffet

Tony Caldwell and the guys have lunch at the tent for free community meals.

a group of men posing for a photo

A Moss Point resident poses with three of the guys.

a man pushing a wheelbarrow full of wood

Jeremy Morris hauls insulation from a Moss Point home.

a group of people sitting on the ground

The Wabash guys spend a few moments talking with Nikeland Cooper's mother.

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