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2010 Volunteer Forum

a man standing in front of a whiteboard

 President Pat White talks to the Volunteers and introduces a program designed around the Strategic Plan

a man in a red shirt standing in front of a screen

 Dean of the College Gary Phillips

a man standing in front of a projector screen

 Dean for Advancement Joe Emmick '92

a man in a suit standing in front of a projection screen

 Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Steve Klein

a man holding up a pile of magazines

 Director of Public Relations and Marketing and Secretary of the College Jim Amidon '87

a man standing in front of a table

 Jon Pactor '71 talks on WABASH Day

a group of men in red shirts

From the Grand Rapids Association- Kenyatta Brane '92, Justin Vander Iest '06, Jay Fisher '66, and Bill Hecker '05 

a man standing in front of a large screen

 Jim Dyer '83 from the St. Louis Association of Wabash Men

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