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Italy Alumni Trip - Florence Sunday

a group of people looking at statues

At the Cathedral Museum on Sunday morning.

a man looking at a statue

Bob Pinschmidt '67 (right) and David Blix '70 take a minute to look at Donatello's Maddalena.

a group of people sitting in a room

Bill Cook '66 explains the details on a choir loft that used to be part of the Cathedral. 

a white stone balcony with carvings

The choir loft.

a group of men sitting in a room

Raymond Williams listens as Bill Cook describes the sculptures that used to be a part of the Cathedral.

a statue of a man in a tomb

Galileo's grave at the Basilica of Santa Croce.

a close-up of a tomb

Michelangelo's grave.

a woman smiling in front of a statue

Professor of Political Science, Lexi Hoerl stands in front of Machiavelli's grave. She is in Italy doing research on Machiavelli and studying Italian. She joined the group of alumni in Florence for the weekend.

people standing in a room with a statue

The pulpit at the Basilica of Santa Croce.

a group of people in a room

At Santa Maria del Carmine.

a man sitting in a church

Mike Butler '82 takes in his surroundings at the Church of All Saints. See more photos here.

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