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Italy Alumni Trip - Siena Wednesday

a tall tower in a city

Our view from above the arch at the Duomo.

a group of men on a balcony

On top of the arch at the Duomo.

a man taking a picture of a city

Raymond Williams takes in the view from on top of the Duomo.

a building with a hole in the wall

This is the arch we climbed at the Duomo.

a man pointing at a door

Bill explains in detail the story found on the panels of the door to the Cathedral at the Duomo.

a group of people standing in front of a building

Kevin Maher and Bruce Baker '65 listen as Bill talks about the architecture of the building.

a group of people standing outside of a building

 Near one of the side entrances to the Duomo.

a bronze sculpture of a man at a table

 A panel on the baptistry by Donatello. 

a group of people looking up

Bill talks about the frescos on the ceiling in the baptistry.

a ceiling with many paintings

The ceiling.

a group of people sitting at a table with wine bottles

Our group dinner.

a plate of dessert with a fork and a piece of pie

Dessert! See more photos here.

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