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Wabash 46, Kalamazoo 6 - Album 2

a group of people at a picnic


Free hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks were served on the mall as part of Community Day.

a group of people sitting on the grass


As temperatures soared into the high 80s Saturday, cool spots like this one were popular on the mall.

men in red shirts talking to a man

Gary Ross shares a moment with President Andy Ford on the mall prior to Saturday's game. Ford mingled among the guests and welcomed them to campus.

a boy with a dog on a leash

boy dog

Andrew Stockton, 11 years old, and his dog Wilbur were part of the contingent representing the Montgomery County Animal Welfare League at Saturday's Community Day.

a group of people walking

Football Dads at Community Day.

a man wearing a white cap and red shirt


Wabash alumnus John Horner at Community Day

a boy eating a hot dog

Hot Dogs

Community Day hot dogs are the best!!!

a close-up of a young boy


Katie Fendley at Community Day

a man and woman standing outside


Gloria and Mac Petty at Community Day.

a man holding a baby


Chip and Landon Timmons

a group of people standing in a stadium


Members of Wabash College's pledge classes follow a long-held tradition of lining the sidelines to cheer on the Little Giants.

a group of children standing on a track


Wally is always a big hit with all the kids.

a couple of men sitting on a red bleachers

Holding seats

Freshmen Stephen Mosier and Patrick Murphy were in their seats all alone an hour and a half before game time Saturday. The freshmen had the responsibility of holding the seats in their area for their brothers from Phi Delta Theta.

a group of football players on a field


Members of the Little Giant football team give a rousing rendition of Old Wabash after whipping Kalamazoo, 46-4.

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