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Ecuador Program Colloquium: Learning "the Wabash Way"

a group of people sitting at a table

 “It’s wonderful to watch the way you are all interacting here,” Summer Study in Ecuador Program Director and Associate Professor of Spanish Dan Rogers told student and faculty participants following a colloquium on last summer’s program.“It’s interesting the ways this shared experience between faculty and students creates this community that persists way beyond the experience itself. It’s cool to see that community reunited here today.”
Pictured in front row are Pat Garrett ’13, Evan Isaacs ’12, and Ryan Bowerman ’11.
Photos by Steve Charles

a woman in a red sweater with her hands up

 Director of Teacher Education Deborah Butler was a co-leader of the teaching module in last year's Summer Study in Ecuador program.

a man smiling at camera

 Evan Isaacs recalls a humorous moment from the class.

a woman in a red coat

 Assistant Professor of Teacher Education Michele Pittard shares one of the lighter moments from last summer's program.

a woman in a red coat

 Assistant of Professor Michele Pittard

a woman smiling with her arms crossed

 Program Co-Director and Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish Jane Hardy

a man laughing with his hands together

 Ryan Bowerman ’11

a man in a red hat

 Josh Johnson ’11

a group of men sitting at a table

 Patrick Garrett ’12

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