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Lawyer's Reunion—The Future of Law

a man in a red sweater

Steve Bowen ’68, partner at Latham & Watkins LLP and chairman of the Wabash Board of Trustees, offers his advice to students aspiring to the law: "If you do nothing else, learn to write. Enjoy your liberal arts education to the fullest; you'll find that the law is just another of the liberal arts."
Bowen, Duke Energy Associate Counsel Rick Cavanaugh ’76, Chase Professor of Law Roger Billings ’59, Robert. W. Wright ’87 of Dean-Webster, Wright & Kite, LLP, and Nelson Alexander of Frost Brown Todd LLC joined moderator Scott Himsel ’85, Wabash professor of political science and partner at Baker & Daniels, for a discussion on the current and future practice of law. 
Part of the 2009 Lawyers Reunion at Wabash, the session allowed students to ask their own questions of lawyers from a wide range of practices. 

a group of men laughing

 Bob Wright and Nelson Alexander enjoy one of the session's lighter moments.

a group of people sitting in chairs

Political science professor Scott Himsel had asked that the Lawyers Reunion include a session for current students, and he moderated a lively discussion that lasted well past its planned 1:45 minutes. 

a few men talking and clapping

 Duke Energy counsel Rick Cavanaugh responds to a student's question. 

a man sitting in a room

 Attorney Nelson Alexander explains the ways law firms are educating new lawyers after law school: “The lack of mentoring is undermining the education of young lawyers—that’s got to change.”

a man in a suit and tie talking to a group of young men

Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law Professor Roger Billings ’59 was surrounded by students with questions after the session.  

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