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Registration and Golf at Big Bash ’09

a man and woman looking at a book

George Million '59 looks over a reunion book with wife Linda after getting registered.

a man writing on a book

Bill Augspurger '64, Loveland, Oh., signs the official Bash registration book.

a man and woman in red shirts

Suzie Moak thinks her shirt is a little big. It's hard to tell if husband Richard '69 is agreeing or not. The Moaks arrived for Big Bash from Valencia, California.

a man and woman looking at a book

Ken Crawford '69, Edwards, Calif., gets signed in for activities.

a group of men playing golf

About 50 Little Giants attending Big Bash ’09 got out on the Crawfordsville Country Club golf course for a best ball competition. And what gorgeous weather they had — 70 degrees and bright blue skies.

a man putting a golf ball on a golf course

Bruce Gras ’68 isn't celebrating a class reunion, but that didn't stop him from coming to Big Bash!

a man swinging a golf club

Jim Kilbane ’84 stares down his drive at the Crawfordsville Country Club.

a man swinging a golf club

John Ryan (swinging) and Jim Kilbane are back for their 25th class reunion.

a man in a golf cart

Steve Hoffman ’85 says hello as he heads to another tee box.

a man playing golf on a golf cart

Long-time basketball coach Mac Petty delivers a perfect approach shot over water and right on the edge of the green.

a group of men playing golf

Jeff Scripture ’84 made this putt from just off the green for a birdie with classmates Bill Havlin and Jeff Baldwin, along with Coach Mac Petty, watching.

a group of men giving each other a high five

Jeff Scripture gets high fives from the members of his foursome after putting in from just off the green.

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