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Alumni Receptions & Dinner

a group of old people standing in a room

55 Group

Members of the Class of 1955 share stories and memories during a reception before moving into Salter Hall for dinner.

a man looking at a piece of paper

Picking up

Charles Rienhardt picks up a souvenir 'W' made by classmate Bill Bitner.

a few men talking to each other


Jay Patterson and Phil Wescott, Class of '65, talk a little business before dinner. The 1965 Class gathered in the Little Giant Room.

men talking to each other


Roger Colehower and Peter Pactor enjoy an animated conversation before the Class of 1965 dinner.

men talking to each other


Kass Kovalcheck '65 chats with Professor Emeritus Joe O'Rourke.

men wearing lanyards talking to each other


Ronan Marra and Phillip Sidebottom enjoy conversation, business talk and a drink before joining 1970 classmates.

a group of people standing in a circle


The Class of 1970 mingled in the in the lounge of the Malcom X Institute before dinner.

a group of people talking


Brad Boyd, '75, and his wife Norma, at his right, chat with Chick Clements H’77 in the Allen Center Student Lounge before dinner.

a group of people talking


Penny and Keven Forney '75 enjoy a pre-dinner discussion with Mark Miller-McLemore and Wabash student Josh Harris.

a group of men at a table


Class Agent Brad Boyd has a little fun at the expense of Dean Mauri
Ditzler. Boyd had begun his pre-dinner remarks when Ditzler made a late
arrival to the Class of ’75 dinner.

a group of women talking


Ginny Hays H’98 and Fran Hollett H'85 had dinner with the Class of 1985. They're chatting with Associate Dean of Students Mike Raters ’85 and his wife, Julie.

a man speaking to a group of people


Co-Class Agent for the Class of 1985 Scott Himsel takes a moment to
catch his classmates up on his career. An attorney with Baker and
Daniels in Indianapolis, Himsel has taught part-time in the political
science department at Wabash for the last two years.

a group of people talking


Steve Hoffman ’85, Fran Hollett H’85, and Mike Raters ’85 enjoy some
conversation at Saturday night's reunion dinner.

a group of children playing with a balloon


Bobby, Maria, Mark, and Alex McAuliffe enjoy their father Emmett's
25-year reunion.

a man and woman laughing at a man


Nancy and Morrie Adams '65 laugh with Professor of Speech Emeritus Joe
O'Rourke's recollections of the Class of '65. Adams was honored during
the reunion for his 25 years of service as Class Agent.

a group of people sitting at a table


Ralph Michna '65 enjoys Dennis Robbins '65 telling of a story about a classmate at the Class of 1965 Reunion.

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