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Science Facilities

a computer on a cart with wires


Molecular modeling research laboratory featuring a 100-processor home-built supercomputer for carrying out computer simulations.

a large white machine with two large black objects


For chemical reactions and materials that are air/moisture sensitive, a brand new (2003) mBraun Labmaster glovebox is available.  The large nitrogen chamber (4' x 3' x 3') allows ample room for experimental apparatus and reagents.  The nitrogen glovebox is equipped with a -30°C freezer, large and small antichambers, and is run entirely from a multicolor LCD display.

a white machine on a table

The electrochemical analyzer is used for determining trace amounts of metals in environmental samples and for studying reaction mechanisms of redox active species

a room with computers on a table

A fully-equipped biochemistry laboratory with two new spectrometers (UV-Vis and fluorescence), an FPLC separation instrument and a new high speed centrifuge.

a close-up of a printer


Our FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) Spectrometer measures vibrational spectra of solid and liquid compounds prepared by students. Capable of 0.4 cm-1 resolution, the FTIR can measure high resolution rotation/vibration spectra of gases.

a computer on a desk


A new GC/Mass Spec (gas chromatograph with quadrupole mass spectrometer detector) for analysis of complex mixtures.

a computer and equipment in a room

A fully-equipped laser spectroscopy laboratory , featuring a pulsed Nd:YAG laser system and a high resolution Raman spectrometer system, used to study the structures and dynamics of transition metal complexes.

a room with a computer and a desk

A brand new (2003) 400 MHz multi-nuclear, super-conducting Fourier Transform nuclear magnetic resonance ( FT-NMR ) spectrometer for use in teaching and research.  This JEOL ECX400 is a state-of-the-art instrument equipped with an automated sample exchanger, variable-temperature capability, and Delta™ sample automation and data processing software.   Amazing spectra at the touch of a button!

a room with computers in it

Outstanding computing facilities include a dedicated molecular modeling lab (see right) and various ports for network access to the college mainframe and an assortment of personal computers (desktop and laptop) in the New Science Building which are available to chemistry students to use at virtually any hour of the day or night.

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