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Saturday at Big Bash

a group of people running on a track

Fun Run

About 70 alumni, spouses, and children turned out for the Big Bash

a group of people running on a sidewalk


Todd Rowland ’85 and Nick Crnkovich ’85 lead the pack in the Big Bash

a group of men standing in a stadium


Nick Crnkovich ’85 (center) completed four miles in just over 25 minutes
to finish first, while classmates Todd Rowland (right) and David
Vandergriff (left) finished second and third, respectively.

a man and woman smiling


Amy and Grey Benitez '95 take a break from Big Bash activities to relax by the Thomson Bench (best known to alumni as the "Senior Bench). 2005 is the 100th anniverary of the bench's placement at Wabash.

a group of older men wearing red and white hats


Wabash  men from the Class of 1955 sing "Old Wabash."

an old man wearing a red shirt and white cap


Mike Patterson leads the Class of 1955 during this year's Big Bash Chapel Sing.

a man and boy wearing lanyards

Dugan Polizotto Class of ?? (right) joined Scott Polizotto and the Class
of 1960 to sing "Old Wabash."

a group of people sitting on a bench

Best Seats

These spectators had one of the best seats in the house for Saturday morning's Alumni Chapel sing.

a group of people standing in front of a building


After the individual alumni class Chapel Sing competition, all Wabash alums attending joined in a big finale singing Old Wabash .

a group of people standing on a brick patio

Brick Search

'Now, where is that brick?' Whether it's a home football game, graduation, or Big Bash Weekend, you know you'll find alums, family and friends searching for a family brick on the plaza.

a group of people running on grass


The Class of 95 went old school to take its place in front of the Chapel for the Alumni Chapel Sing; they lock arms and head for the steps.

a man holding a baby


Doug Lewis and his son take part in the Big Bash Chapel Sing for the Class of 95.

a man standing at a podium


Award-winning fiction writer Dan Simmons ’70 tells a packed house about
how he became to be a writer and why he and his wife, Karen, have
established the Hockenberry Summer Fiction Fellowship for promising
fiction writers at the College.

a man pointing at something


Greg Shine '90, chief ranger for the Fort Vancouver National Historic
Site, entertains a packed Baxter 114 lecture room with stories from his
13 years in the National Park Service.

medium shot of men smiling

Dan and Aaron

Dan Simmons ’70 with next year's Hockenberry Fellow Aaron Nicely ’06,
who drove up from Cincinnati to hear Dan's reading at the Big Bash.

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