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Honor Scholarship Weekend

a young man talking to a woman

The first order of business for visiting students was to get registered. Admissions' Jamie Watson helps this young man get ready for a big weekend.

a man looking at another man

Will Arvin gets the registration packet ready for this high school senior.

a man standing in a room with a sign

This student has the name tag on and is ready to explore the activities fair.

a man talking to a woman

This guy might be an athlete! He checks in at Chadwick Court.

a group of people at a convention

It's a really big day for Mom and Dad too! Cross Country Coach Roger Busch talks about his program.

a man and a boy looking at a paper

All around campus you see a lot of father-son moments.

a woman and a man standing in a room

Mom-son moments are pretty frequent as well.

a group of people talking

James Michael Brazill '11, far right, talks to these guys about pledging a fraternity.

a group of people at a table

Bachelor Editor Patrick McAlister '10 talks with this guy about journalism.

a man signing a document

Sam Prellwitz '10 was staffing the booth for Wabash Christian Men.

a group of men talking

Assistant Basketball Coach Antoine Carpenter was busy meeting with possible future Little Giants.

a group of people at a buffet

After morning tours, activity fair and official welcome, students were off to living units for lunch while their parents dined in Chadwick.

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