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Photo Albums

Dinner with Professor's Families at Home

a group of men playing basketball

After an eventful and information-packed weekend, freshmen play games, relax, and eat dinner at their faculty advisor's homes.

a group of young men sitting at a picnic table

Taking a break together.

a group of men standing around a table with food and a man holding tongs

Professor Matt Wells welcomes advisees to his home and feeds them well!

a man throwing a frisbee

Professor Wells' house has a basketball court.

a group of young men standing outside

Enjoying the time off campus

a group of people sitting at a table

Conversation continues over food indoors.

a woman smiling next to a man

Julia Wells welcomes the students.

a man in a red shirt

Professor Preston Bost talks with students

a group of men standing around a table

Conversation continues over food indoors.

a girl eating a slice of watermelon

Clara Wells enjoys the watermelon

a group of men sitting at a table with food

Orientation leader Erich Lange ’19 talks with students and Professor Wells at the grill.

a group of people around a table

The guys went through 18 lbs. of flank steak!

a boy kicking a football ball

Graham Wells demonstrates his soccer style for the guys.

a man in a striped shirt

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a group of men sitting at a table eating

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a man with glasses looking at something

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a man in a red shirt sitting at a table with other people

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a group of men sitting at a table

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a group of men sitting at a table

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a man sitting at a table

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a group of people sitting at a table

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a man in a red hat

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a group of men sitting at a table

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

a group of men sitting at a table

Transfer students enjoyed dinner downtown at Little Mexico with Deans Welch and Raters.

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