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Trail Blazer: Retirement Reception for Melissa Butler

a woman smiling while holding a book

Proclamations from the Mayor (Monday is 'Melissa Butler Day' in Crawfordsville) and the Indiana General Assembly and best wishes from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia were among the highlights of a reception Saturday marking the retirement of Professor Melissa Butler after 37 years service to Wabash. Current and former students and faculty as well as trustees and staff packed International Hall to celebrate the career of a trail blazing teacher, scholar, and mentor for decades to both students and faculty.

a man in a suit and bow tie holding a paper

Current Chair of the Political Science Department Professor Dan Rogers served as emcee, shown here reading the proclamation honoring Professor Butler, the first woman to earn tenure at Wabash. Professor Rogers began: 'Rousseau is supposed to have said, 'The person who has lived the most is not the one who has lived the longest, but the one with the richest experiences.' If Professor Melissa Butler’s favorite philosopher was correct, then she has already lived more than most of us ever will:  world traveler, Rousseau scholar, baseball pundit, Campari connoisseur, and perhaps most importantly, pioneering professor and administrator.   'In most things to which we her friends and colleagues aspire, Melissa has been there first, done it first, or thought it first and then graciously mentored, taught, inspired, and when necessary, gently prodded those around her to do their best.'  

a man talking to another man

Professor Emeritus of Political Science Phil Mikesell ’63 and his wife, Vina, returned to campus from Michigan to offer their best wishes to Professor Butler.

a man in a suit talking to another man

Wabash Trustee Rear Admiral Alex Miller ’71 USN (Ret.) talks with Professor Butler.

a man in a suit talking to a group of people

Trustee Allan Anderson ’65 talks with Professors Butler, Hadley, and Foote.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Crawfordsville Mayor Todd Barton proclaimed Monday, May 13, 'Melissa Butler Day' in Crawfordsville.

a man and woman holding a paper

Professor Butler thanks Mayor Barton for the honor as he hands her the proclamation…

a woman in red jacket sitting at a table with her hands up

and reacts with uncharacteristic jubilation after Mayor Barton announces that she'll get free parking downtown on Melissa Butler Day!

a man in a suit holding a box

Professor Butler's longtime colleague, Professor Emeritus of Political Science David Hadley, presented her with a proclamation from the Indiana General Assembly honoring her work.

a man and woman smiling

Professors Butler and Hadley

a woman in a red jacket smiling

Professor Butler admires the proclamation from the General Assembly.

a man speaking into a microphone

NAWM President Greg Castanias ’87 thanked Professor Butler for her friendship.

a man and woman holding a book

Fresh from arguing a case in front of the Supreme Court just last month, Castanias presented Professor Butler with a copy of Justice Antonin Scalia's book, signed by the Justice himself.

a man and woman holding a book

Professor Butler and Castanias display the inscription from Justice Scalia.

a man in a suit and tie at a podium

…and one in particular, in which he recalled her gesturing emphatically to him and asking him to re-think something she'd heard his fraternity was about to do.

a man in a suit and tie

Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science Scott Himsel ’kk praised Professor Butler's teaching, and told some hilarious stories of from his student days in her classes…

a man in a suit and tie

Himsel also thanked Professor Butler for helping him realize his dream of becoming a teacher.

a man smiling at a microphone

Briane House ’79 shared his own stories from Professor Butler's classroom.

a woman at a podium with a microphone

Longtime colleague and Professor Emeritus of Classics Leslie Day, who co-chaired C&T with Professor Butler, summed up the feeling of many when she said, 'I can't imagine Wabash College without Melissa Butler.'

a group of people clapping at a party

All those gathered in International Hall—including Professors Colin McKinney, Ethan Hollander, and Christie Byun, and Trustee Allan Anderson, pictured here—rose to their feet to honor their friend and colleague.

a group of people talking

Throughout the event, photos (assembled by Administrative Assistant Pam Sacco) from Professor Butler's career were shown on a large screen in the hall. Here, Professor Himsel identifies some people in a photo to Professor Lexie Hoerl and Andrew Kunze ’12.

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Wabash Political Scientists, current and emeritus: Scott Himsel, Shamira Gelbman, Ethan Hollander, Lexie Hoerl, David Hadley, special guest Hillary Rodham Clinton, Phil Mikesell, and Melissa Butler.

a group of people posing for a photo

Current and former chairs of the Political Science Department: David Hadley, Dan Rogers, Melissa Butler

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