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Big Bash - Friday Morning

a group of people at a table

John Bachman '60 checks in for Big Bash 2010.

a boy standing next to a statue

Peter Pactor '65 was one of the earliest to check in. He brought along his son, Jacob, who is celebrating his 13th birthday!

a man writing on a book

Robert Ashman, Iowa City, Iowa, signs the Big Bash registration book.

a group of people at a table

Registration activity picked up after 10 a.m.

an old man wearing a red shirt and lanyard

Jim Spears '50 checks out the Big Bash cap.

a group of people wearing lanyards

The Great Northwest revisited! The Winter 2009 issue of Wabash magazine featured these two graduate who had never met until Friday morning. Bob Chamness '75 and his wife Sandy walked in to register just before Dr. Bob Witherspoon '65.

a group of women posing with a large man's head

The ladies always love Wally. The "vintage" Wally was a big hit at registration. Archivist Beth Swift offered up Wally for the check in table. He's somewhat affectionately known as "paper mache Wally" in the Library basement.

a group of people in a golf cart

Tian Tian is getting acquainted with the golf cart as he starts off on a campus tour with Wabash alums.

a man pointing at a golf cart

Sons of Wabash Jake Ezell '11 starts his talk about campus before loading up the golf cart

a man and woman holding hands

Tom Burrin '60 walks with his wife toward the Allen Center. Burrin had not returned to campus in 50 years.

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