Namesakes of Jim Childress
Vampyrocrossota childressi is the name Jim Childress' friend and former student Eric Thuesen gave to this previously undiscovered black medusa when he and Childress found it off the coast of California. The creature is one of four named after the Cody-award-winning marine physiologist. Photo by Steven Haddock
Bathymodiolus childressi
Bathymodiolus childressi thrives on methane about a mile deep along the edges of the lethal Brine Pool in the Gulf of Mexico.
Gnathophausia childressi
Gnathophausia childressi, also known as the Childress opposum shrimp, found at depths of 1700 to 1900 meters below the surface.
ephyina childressi
Ephyrina childressi is a deep sea pelagic caridean shrimp living in the Halmahera Sea off the coast of Indonesia. The horned bumblebee shrimp shown here lives in the same area (we'll post a photo of Ephyrina childressi as soon as we can obtain one!)