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Turf Installation 2

a man kneeling on a carpet

Dr. John Roberts '83, College Physician, was on hand for the historic event.

a group of men standing next to a tractor

The turf comes in 5 yard segments and is sewn together.

men standing on a track with a man holding papers

Sports Information Director Brent Harris, Head Football Coach Erik Raeburn, and Athletic Director Tom Bambrey '68 were pleased to finally see the turf.

a group of men wearing hardhats working on a tarp

Sewing two segments together.

a man in a white shirt and blue jeans

The turf crew manager makes sure that the 50 yard line is perfectly centered.

a field with a few people on it

Wabash College now officially has a turf football field.  Check back in the coming days for more progress.

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