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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference

a man with curly hair looking away

The Third National Conference on Innovations in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Liberal Arts Colleges opened Friday night at Wabash with a keynote talk by George Mason/New Century College Professor Darren Cambridge ’96 (pictured) and his mother, National Council of Teachers of English Director Dr. Barbara Cambridge.

a few men shaking hands

Wabash President Pat White, who welcomed the 70-plus participants to the conference in Hays Hall, greets Wabash Professor of English and conference co-organizer Warren Rosenberg.

a man and woman talking

Conference co-organizer and Wabash Professor of Education Deborah Butler talks with President White before the keynote speech.

a man standing at a podium

Professor Rosenberg introduced keynote speakers Barbara and Darren Cambridge. Darren was one of Rosenberg's students at Wabash, and Warren had long admired Mrs. Cambridge's work in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

a woman wearing a red blazer

NCTE Director Dr. Barbara Cambridge.

a man with his hand out

New Century College Professor Darren Cambridge ’96

a man in a suit and glasses

Hope College Professor of Psychology Tom Ludwig asks a question following Friday night's keynote presentation.

a man laughing at a lecture

Anthony Ciccone, program director at the Center for the Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning at Stanford University, enjoyed the Cambridge's presentation.

a group of people in a meeting

Stanford University CASTL Program Director Anthony Ciccone and Professor Butler chat with President White.

a group of people talking

Dr. Cambridge talks with Professor Rosenberg and President White following her presentation.

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