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2007 Big Bash — Day One, Album Two

a man and woman sitting at a table

Betty and Bob ’57 Allen enjoy listening to Class Agents and Reunion Chairs sing "Old Wabash."

an older man wearing a lanyard

Emeritus Mathematics Professor Paul Mielke ’42 is greeted at registration by Michele Tatar of the Alumni and Parent Relations Office.

a man in a blue shirt

Pete Metzelaars ’82 catches up with his former football teammates Rich Blastic ’82 and Chris Carr ’82. Metzelaars and Carr presented colloquium talks on their careers: Carr in sports psychology and motivation and Metzelaars in the NFL as a player and coach.

a man and woman smiling

D.J. ’87 and Gail Riese pose for a photograph at the Big Bash Reunion Banquet. D.J. is a scientist and professor at Purdue University.

a man and woman running on a track

Greg Birk ’77 and Katie White pace the four-mile fun run Saturday morning. Katie is the daughter of President and Mrs. Pat White.

a group of men wearing lanyards

Even with four guys missing from this photo, the Phi Delts turned out strong for the Class of 1987 reunion dinner. Pictured here are Jay Herrmann, Matt Maloney, Ben Beringer, David Graham, Todd Shellenbarger, Ken Ogorek, and Jim Miner.

a man in a red shirt

Sports Psychologist Chris Carr ’82 gave a colloquium talk about his career working with elite athletes.

a man with his arms crossed

Film maker Jo Throckmorton ’87 gave a talk about his life working in media production, from commercial videos to feature length motion pictures.

a man wearing a red shirt and a badge

Brandon Mitchener ’87 has lived abroad for the last 15 years, covering the European Union as a journalist. He's now a consultant with Apco Worldwide.

a man in a red shirt holding a microphone

Hall of Famer Pete Metzelaars ’82 drew the biggest crowd of the colloquium sessions Saturday afternoon. Pete talked about how blessed he and his family have been to have experienced a life in professional football. Pete also shared some hysterical locker room stories.

a group of men looking at a book

Nostalgic Phi Delts? Yep! Pictured are Matt Maloney, Todd Shelenbarger, and Ben Beringer at the Class of 1987 Reunion.

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