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From the NAWM: What Are You Going to Do Next?


BECAUSE THE THEME OF THIS ISSUE IS “CHANGE,” WM Editor Steve Charles asked me to offer some musings on the subject, as I recently and unexpectedly got to make one of life’s big changes: retirement. 

For the past 36 years I have been defined by my profession: being an attorney. I practiced in government, at a small law firm, in-house at a food manufacturing company, in-house at an insurance company, and for the past 29 years in-house at a public utility. I survived five of seven mergers or changes in control over that time period. Then, on March 31, I retired (in HR speak, I took advantage of a “severance opportunity”). 

The question I’ve heard most often when I mention that I retired is: What are you going to do next? 

I now understand better how many graduating seniors in the Class of 2016 may feel when getting a similar version of this question. I’ve seen the pained look on the faces of my son and nephew—both Wabash seniors—when the question gets tossed their way. In some ways I feel the same way because I don’t have a ready answer. 

The truth is that when my employer approached me with the severance opportunity, I had no plan. I was working toward a 2017 retirement date. I was just starting to think about retirement life: Perhaps I could spend some time working at the legal aid clinic; maybe I would get recertified to do some mediation or arbitration. I talked about spending more time in Colorado. For years I’ve joked about being a greeter at the ski resort so that I could fulfill my dream of being a ski bum. 

So, do Patti and I travel to far-off lands? For now, Patti is committed to her job as a child advocate in the Marion County Juvenile Court, so extensive travel with her is not possible. 

The ski resort is closed for the season. 

In the near term, April and so far May have been busy for me at Wabash. Our long-time Director of Alumni and Parent Programs, Tom Runge ’71, also retired on March 31. So there have been some things I could do for the College as Steve Hoffman ’85 moved from Advancement to Alumni Relations. I was lucky enough to be able to work on another very successful Day of Giving. There are construction projects coming to a close that involve input on signs and plaques. 

In addition, I’ve worked on the planning for the Class of ’76 40th Reunion coming up at Big Bash in June. Not to mention dealing with the family logistics of Commencement for my son and nephew. I know that my son and nephew are anxious to see their future unfold. 

However, for me these have all been pleasant distractions from dealing with the question, What am I going to do next? 

I just don’t know right now! 

Yours in Wabash, 


President, NAWM