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Contemporary Quilts from Quilt National ’01 Exhibited at Wabash

Maya Schöenberger Urban Sprawl II (In memory of Sidney)
Crawfordsville, Ind.—Quilt National ’01 will be exhibited at Wabash College in the Eric Dean Gallery, Fine Arts Center from January 17 to February 22. An opening reception will be held on Friday, January 17 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Eric Dean Gallery in the Fine Arts Center.

This exhibition is a selection of contemporary quilts from the prestigious Quilt National juried competition and features a quilt by Wabash’s own Laura Conners, costume designer for the Wabash College Theater Department.

“The surface qualities of aged and weathered materials intrigues me, such as the rust stain left by a nail in exposed wood or layers of chipped and cracked paint on an old chair,” says Conners, who began quilting as an art form in 1990. "In Ground Cloth, I have created patterns and marks by exposing fabric to rusted metal surfaces before using over printing, dying, and discharging techniques to build up rich surfaces.”

Quilt National ’01 is the 12th in a series dedicated to promoting the contemporary quilt as an art form. For over 20 years, Quilt National has showcased the most exciting and innovative trends in the medium, and this exhibition represents a unique and fresh approach to the art form.

Originating in Athens, Ohio and displayed at the Dairy Barn Southeastern Cultural Arts Center, Quilt National has become a biannual tradition that is now in its 12th cycle of honoring and exhibiting the very best work in the art form.

This year’s competition began with 600 artists submitting more than 1,400 entries to a panel of judges, who carefully selected the most unique work being done in the medium. The winning quilts were brought to the Dairy Barn in Athens, where they were displayed for three months. The quilts were then broken into three traveling shows that tour the world for a period of two years until the whole cycle begins again.

One of the three national jurors of the competition is quilt artist Jane Sassaman, who will present a gallery talk at Wabash on Saturday, January 25 at 10:30 a.m. Not only will Sassaman talk about the individual pieces that make up the traveling Quilt National ’01 show, but she also will speak about contemporary quilt making in general.

Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. Admission is free and the display is open to the public.

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