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Golf Outing Brings Little Giants and Tigers Together

The Sixth Annual Wabash-DePauw Golf Outing, sponsored by the St. Joseph Valley Association of Wabash Men, continued the success of past years with a great round of golf, good turnout, great meal, and enough raffle prizes to make everyone a winner.  The site again this year was the Juday Creek Golf Course, long recognized as one of the top public courses in Indiana.

After golf and a prime rib dinner, Peter Horvath ‘92, president of the regional association, welcomed guests and gave everyone an update on the group’s upcoming events.  The group also heard from DePauw Trustee Don Findlay D’56, who provided the "minority report" on the latest at DePauw.

Many thanks go to Roger Senkbeil ’68 and his lovely wife Carol.  Roger and Carol set up the outing, recruit the hole sponsors, and do all the coordination work vital to a fun outing.  Dick Barger ’55 also provided a lot of help in everything from registering golfers to helping with the raffle. 

Cover photo:  Roger Senkbeil '68 goes for the birdie

For more photos, click here.

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