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Indianapolis Opera Ensemble to Perform Tonight at Wabash

The Indianapolis Opera Outreach Ensemble will present a concert in Salter Hall of the Fine Arts Center on Wednesday, April 27 at 7:30 p.m.

The Indianapolis Opera Young Artist Program takes opera education on the road throughout Indiana and neighboring states. Four young professional singers and a coach/accompanist are selected through national audition. This ensemble-in-residence logs nearly 10,000 miles annually, presenting a variety of programs to over 50,000 students and adults in their 22-week season.

Presenting nearly 10 shows weekly, these early-career singers hone critical professional skills. Members fill supporting roles in mainstage productions, receive vocal coaching from the Artistic Director, participate in classes with visiting mainstage artists and train in stage movement, combat, and scene study.

The program is free and open to the public.

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