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NAWM to Honor Outstanding Alumni and Faculty

The National Association of Wabash Men will be honoring its own — and welcoming three new members into the ranks of honorary alumni — during a virtual award ceremony at 7 p.m. on March 23. Register for a Zoom link here.

During the NAWM Alumni Awards the board of directors will pay tribute to Wabash alumni for their career and civic contributions, as well as to those whose volunteer efforts support Wabash’s Admissions Office and Career Services.

Traditionally, the annual event takes place in-person during Homecoming, but the awards were not presented in 2020 at the Hollett Alumni Awards Chapel due to COVID-19.

The following awards were voted on and approved by the NAWM at their July 2020 meeting.

A mounted plaque in the MXIBS lobby recognizes the center's founders.The Frank W. Misch Alumni Distinguished Service Award is presented to an alumnus who has distinguished himself by devoted service to Wabash College. The award goes to the founders of the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies:

  • Ronald E. Angel ’72 (posthumous)
  • Carlos Lester Armstead ’71 (posthumous)
  • John W. Chambers ’72
  • Preston Greene ’71 (posthumous)
  • Raymond Griffith ’72 (posthumous)
  • John Alexander Johnson ’72 (posthumous)
  • Dock McDowell ’72
  • Keith O. Nelson ’71
  • Anthony R. Partee ’71(posthumous)
  • Charles G. Ransom ’72
  • Victor L. Ransom ’71


Tom Murtaugh The Fredrick J. Urbaska Distinguished Civic Service Award is presented to a Wabash alumnus who has distinguished himself by outstanding contributions to the community in which he makes his home. Awarded to:

  • Tom Murtaugh ’88.




Bob GrandThe Clarence A. Jackson Distinguished Career Achievement Award is presented to an alumnus who has distinguished himself by outstanding contribution to his chosen vocation. Awarded to:

  • Bob Grand ’78





Russ Harbaugh The Jeremy R. Wright Young Alumnus Distinguished Service Award is presented to a Wabash alumnus within 15 years of his graduation who has distinguished himself by devoted service to Wabash, outstanding contributions to the community in which he makes his home, or outstanding contribution to his chosen career. Awarded to:

  • Russ Harbaugh ’06



Delon Pettiford Jim Wadkins The Career Services and Admissions Fellow awards honor and recognize individuals who, by outstanding service to the student recruitment and admissions, or the career services efforts, have made a lasting and significant contribution to Wabash College. Awarded to:

  • Delon Pettiford ’17, Career Services Fellow
  • Jim Wadkins ’84, Admissions Fellow


Stephen Morillo Greg and Lora HessThe highest honor NAWM can give to a non-alumnus is the Honorary Alumnus award. It is presented to a man or woman who truly personifies the spirit and commitment that sets Wabash, its students, and the community apart from all others. Awarded to:

  • Professor of History and Department Chair Stephen Morillo (H’91)
  • Former Wabash College President Greg Hess (H’19)
  • Lora Hess (H’15)


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