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Wabash Alum Gets Promotion at Johns Hopkins

Thomas W. Koenig, M.D., a 1985 summa cum laude graduate of Wabash College, was recently appointed Associate Dean for Student Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Until the July 1 appointment, Koenig was an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, where he earned a medical degree in 1989.

His new position will require Dr. Koenig to oversee the activities of approximately 120 medical students, including their student housing and funds for research projects; offer academic guidance as they move through the medical school curriculum and investigate the specialties for their medical residencies; serve as a liaison between the medical students and administration, as well as disciplinarian; assist them with any health problems; participate in planning both student orientation and commencement.

His final job for the members of each medical class is to compose for every graduate a Dean’s Letter that accompanies his or her medical residency applications.

His undergraduate record at Wabash predicted Koenig’s later success. A biology major, he was graduated first in his class, with distinction in comps, the Butler Prize, and highest honors. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year; received the Carscallen Prize as the outstanding senior biology major; and was selected as a Mackintosh Fellow. Koenig was a member of Beta Theta Pi and served as editor of the 1981-82 Wabash and assistant manager of The Bachelor.

“I feel honored and privileged to be able to be this close to the John Hopkins students,” Koenig says of his new work. “And I always feel grateful and appreciative of the excellent preparation I received from the biology professors at Wabash.”

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