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2008 Wamidan Fall Concert Album One

a group of people dancing

Marquis Triplett ’10, Kunga Choden ’09 and their fellow dancers take center stage during "Olukhun," one of the pieces played by Wamidan, the College's world music ensemble directed by Professor of Music James Makubuya, at Thursday night's Fall concert in Salter Hall.

a man playing a string instrument

Professor Makubuya and Craig O'Connor ’12 play "Siduleka," an Alur/Madi folk song.

a man wearing a feather headdress and holding a drum

Wamidan Dance Drumming Instructor Brian McCafferty.

a group of women wearing leopard print skirts

Depauw students dance "Olukhun."

a group of people playing drums

One section of the dance drummers, including Rand Burnette, son of Wamidan drummer Joyce Burnette and Patrick Burnette, whose Jazz Combo took the stage on Wednesday for a concert of its own.

a woman wearing feathers on her head

Long-time Wamidan dancer and now the group's administrative organizer, Ruth Nduta has been instrumental in the surge of interest (and dancers) in Wamidan from her alma mater, Depauw University.

a group of people playing instruments

Kyle Prifogle and John Murrell on madinda.

a woman dancing in a room

Dancing "Olukhun."

a man wearing glasses and a black shirt

Wamidan Artistic Director James Makubuya welcomes the audience and introduces the next song.

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