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Photo Albums

IAWM Valentine's Party

a man and woman posing for a picture

Steve & CJ

IAWM Man of the Year Steve Charles and his wife, C.J.

a man writing on a piece of paper


Tom Runge, director of alumni affairs, signs the "card" for IAWM Man of
the Year Steve Charles

a man speaking at a podium

Brad Johnson

Brad Johnson, president of the Indianapolis Association of Wabash Men,
introduces Man of the Year Steve Charles.

a couple of older women smiling

Fran & Ginny

Honorary alumnae Fran Hollett and Ginny Hays enjoy the IAWM party.

a man in a suit and tie at a podium

President Andy Ford

President Andy Ford wise cracks with Jon Pactor

a man in a suit and tie

Bob Grand

Bob Grand enjoys a joke at his expense.

a group of men sitting at a table

Joe & Steve

Joe Warfel and Steve Charles.

a man in a suit and bow tie


Jon Pactor.

a couple of men in suits holding a heart shaped balloon

Jon and Jim

Jim Carr won a Wabash chair in the IAWM Valentine's raffle. Here, Jon
Pactor poses with Carr on his throne.

a man and woman sitting at a table

Mike & Julie

Associate Dean of Students Mike Raters and his wife, Julie.

a man in a suit talking to a woman

Steve Interview

Steve Charles, IAWM Man of the Year, is interviewed by Journal Review
writer Brittney Dick.

a man in a suit talking to another man

Steve & Joe

Steve Charles and alumnus Joe Warfel at the IAWM Valentine's Party.

a group of people shaking hands

Steve & Handleys

Steve Charles catches up with his colleague, Karen Handley, and her
husband, Randy.

a group of women singing

The Ladies

The "Women of Wabash," led by Anne Ford, sing "Old Wabash."

a group of men in suits


Joe Warfel, J.D. Phillips, and Steve Charles sing Old Wabash.

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