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2008 OLAB Album 2

a man in a suit and tie sitting at a table with a student

John Bridge works with this group's leader.

a group of men sitting on a couch

Cavanaugh explains his workers' demands.

a group of young men sitting at a table

The students ponder the negotiator's latest demands.

a group of people sitting around a table

Cavanaugh explains the company offer just isn't adequate.

a group of people sitting at a table

This team is trying to work out a response to the negotiations of the attorney.

a group of people sitting at a table

These three listen intently as Bridge explains what his workers demand.

a group of people standing around a table

Labbies celebrated the end of Labor Negotiations with a cookout on the Wabash campus.

a group of people eating outside

By Wednesday evening, the OLAB program had kicked into high gear with teams in production after completing labor negotiations.

a group of people sitting at tables

Burgers, dogs, macaroni and cheese, and chips — a perfect menu on a perfect night for the OLAB cookout.

a man in a suit pointing his finger

David Shane, a Wabash alumnus and the CEO of LDI Ltd, LLC led a workshop on the ethics of business. Labbies were forced to wrestle with complicated issues of ethical and moral conduct — in their businesses and lives. Shane's firm, LDI, is a holding company which operates FinishMaster and Tucker Rocky.

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