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Prifogle in Uganda

a couple of men walking in a field

An Eastern African tradtional house. Here, Dr. Makubuya and Mr. Sekitoole walk around the houses

a man standing in front of a wall with furs

Me wearing a ridiculously cool hat Mr. Sekitoole found in one of the houses.

a straw hut in the grass with Kasubi Tombs in the background

Another view of one of the traditional huts at the museum.

a close-up of a straw roof

The ceiling of the traditional Buganda house. Buganda is the word for the people of Uganda, this house happened to be the most impressive architecturally.

a couple of men sitting in a doorway

Dr. Makubuya and Kyle in front of one of the traditional houses.

a man kneeling next to a statue of a man

Kyle and a little girl in front of the Ugandan Parliment building.

a man and woman posing with children

Kyle with the children of his host in Uganda.

a group of animals lying on grass

Lots of long horned cows are everywhere!

a man sitting on a white plastic chair

Working on some notes.

a group of men playing xylophones

Me and Dr. Makubuya and Mr. Sebuwuffu playing the 22 key Kadinda.

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