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Glee Club Concert

a young man in a suit and tie

Benjamin Harvill performs a tenor solo during the Glee Club's rendition of "The Greenland Whale Fishery" at Sunday night's Glee Club Spring Concert in Salter Hall.

a group of men in suits singing

Alumnus Dr. Keith Baird and President Pat White joined the group as Glee Club President Clayton Craig ’08 conducted their singing of "Alma Mater."

a group of men standing in a row

The echo chorus took its position in the balcony of Salter Hall for Orlando di Lasso's "Echo Song" from the 16th century.

a man in a suit with his mouth open

Royce Gregerson joins the "echo chorus."

a group of men singing on stage

Justin Bilby ’08 soloed for the T-Tones' version of the Elton John/Tim Rice song "Can You Feel the Love Tonight."

a man in a suit and tie

Justin Bilby ’08

a group of men in suits

Alumnus Clay Robbins joined the group during the singing of "Alma Mater."

a man in a suit talking to another man

In a staged "mutiny," Glee Club members, led by Filip Drambarean and Benjamin Harvill, overruled director Richard Bowen's plans to have the group sing "yet another" sea shanty.

a man in suit and tie talking to another man

Director Bowen looks less than pleased.

a man in a suit and tie

Filip Drambarean ’08 leads the group's tuneful declaration that they are "sick of singing songs of the sea."

a group of people singing

The group, led by Benjamin Harvill, concurs with Drambarean's complaint.

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