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Everglades, Day One

a man in a hat pointing at something


By the light of his Coleman lantern at Long Pine Key campground, Professor Dave Krohne teaches the ecology of the Everglades to students in his Advanced Ecology class.

a aerial view of a river

View from the air of the Everglades and the Gulf of Mexico during our approach to Miami on Saturday. The Everglades is a "river of grass.

a group of trees in the dark sky

Florida Skies

The night sky from our camp at Long Pine Key campground in the Everglades.

a man looking up at another man

Phil Rushton

Senior Phil Rushton listens to Professor Krohne during last night's lecture on Everglades ecology.

a couple of men outside

Jeff Austen and Phil Rushton were the cleanup crew for this morning's breakfast.

a group of people walking on a wooden bridge

Krohne leads the students (Max Bader, Phil Ruston in photo) on the boardwalk at Anhinga Trail.

a couple of men standing on a bridge with a bird

Torm Hustvet and Max Bader greet a well-habituated anhinga.

a bird swimming in water

Water turkey is one nickname for the anhinga, and here your can see why. This male is mostly underwater hunting, fanning his tail.

a crocodile in the water

Not far from the hunting anhinga, another hunt rests.

a bird sitting in a nest

A female anhinga on her nest next to the Anhinga Trail.

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