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a man and a man working on a project

Riley Hitchcock ’09 and John Melind ’10 test the wind generator they made in the Alternative Energy class taught by chemistry Professor Ann Taylor and physics Professor Martin Madsen.

a man looking at a small can of oil

Hitchcock and Melind make some adjustments to their generator to improve it's electrical output. The Alternative Energy class, a new model for science classes for non-majors, is taught in a combined question/answer and lab format, giving students the chance to "do science" and learn in many different modes.

a group of men working on a project

Josh Harris ’08, Zach Webb ’08, and John Grashoff ’10 finish construction of their generator.

a group of people in a classroom

Harris, Dan Masterson ’09, and Professor Ann Taylor discuss the results of the wind experiment. Later in the semester under Professor Taylor's supervision, the students will make bio-diesel.

a young man looking at a fan

Generators were tested using electric fans before being taken outside for "real world" tests in the wind.

a man holding up a small object with a person holding it

Seniors Jeremy Burton and Jason Gray try to find some wind for their generator on the Wabash mall.

a man looking at a device

Gray gives his wind generator a little help.

a man in red jacket making a model of a machine

Steve Egan ’09 finds his generator needs a little assistance, too.

a group of men standing outside

Professor Madsen watches as Jonathon Edwards ’09 and Jeremy Morris ’09 test their generator.

a man wearing a hat and jacket

Chad Finley spins the generator for an open circuit test.

two men working on a project

Tom Hanewald ’09 and Chad Finley ’08 try to free up the magnets on their generator as they wait for a gust of wind.

a man in a red jacket talking to another man

Results in the "real world" are often very different from those in the lab, as students testing their generators in variable winds and below-freezing cold found out Thursday. Here Tom Hanewald and Professor Madsen discuss the results.

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