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Big Bash—Friday Morning

a couple of men looking at a book


Class of 81 classmates Randy Zromaoski of Valaparaiso, IN and Shawn Ireland of London, UK, browse through yearbooks at Big Bash registration in the Sparks Center

a man and woman looking at a shirt


Dick Puls and his wife, Dolly, shop for their new grandson Ian in the Wabash College Bookstore. The president of the Class of 1956 was making his first return to Wabash in 49 years.

a group of people at a table


Jack Davis ’66 and his wife, Oahn, pick up Jack's reunion apparel from Class Agent Cal Black at the Class of '66 table under the sign "Rhynies Read and Tremble." The classic pots, hats worn by freshman years ago, were a big hit—not only with the Class of 66, but with other reunion attendees, who wanted pots of their own.

a man and woman talking


Fred LaCosse ’56 greets Honorary Alumna Jean Williams H'53.

a man laughing at a woman


Fred LaCosse '56 and Jean Williams H'53 enjoy a laugh.

a man in a black suit


Former Oakland University Planned Giving Director Denny Sheridan ’61 opened the colloquium on financial planning and charitable giving.

a man in a white shirt


Estate planning attorney Bob Hobson ’57 discusses charitable remainder trusts during Friday morning's session on financial planning.

a man in a suit giving a presentation


Ameriprise Financial Services senior advisor Peter Toll ’64 urged alumni to plan their wills and charitable giving based on values, not simply tax benefits. Toll is the co-author of the book "Beating the Midas Curse," a comprehensive guide for values-based legacy planning.

a group of men sitting around a table


Internationally known researcher and hearing expert Mead Killion ’61 lets Dr. Keith Baird ’56 and Susie and Sam Hildebrand ’61 try out the latest hearing technology from Killion's Etymotic Research, Inc.

a man sitting in a chair


Longtime Wabash trustee and former Indiana Lieutenant Governor Dick Ristine ’41 enjoys Friday morning's session on financial planning and charitable giving

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