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Bridgeton Bridge

a group of men standing outside

Assistant Dean of Students Mike Raters talks briefly to the group before depature.

a group of people standing on a bridge

The Wabash students stand near the foundation of where the bridge once stood. Meara told the students a little about the bridge's history.

a group of men working on a wood plank

Bookstore manager Mike Bachner shows the young guys how it's done!

a group of men standing next to a stack of wood

Roe offers some explanation of how he and Dan Collom, in background, needs to have the lumber stacked.

a group of men walking on a dirt path

Neal Monroe, Brandon Stewart, Andy DeRolf listen to Roe explain their next task.

a group of people building a wood structure

The guys wasted no time getting started Thursday morning - jumping right end stacking pre-cut lumber.

a group of people working on a project

Kathy Collom and Meara hold the steel band in place as Nathan Bates makes a cut.

a group of men building a house

Even Associate Director of Admissions Chip Timmons got into the act.

a couple of men working on a pile of wood

Clayton Craig, still fighting jetlag from the Glee Club's UK trip, helps Zach Webb clean up a wood pile.

a group of people standing in a kitchen

Women from the Bridgeton community serve up lunch.

a group of people standing outside a building

The hungry guys wait in line at the Bridgeton Mill for lunch to be served.

a man standing next to a camera

WTHI television from Terre Haute was onhand and interviewed Meara about his project.

a man leaning on a wood plank

Neal Monroe looks like he might be checking to see if the board is level, but he's actually putting an important sealant on the end of each piece of the lumber.

a man and woman talking in a field

A reporter from the Parke County Sentinel, Sharon Earl, interviews Tyler Williams. Williams lives in Parke County just minutes from Bridgeton.

a man in a red shirt and gloves

Brandon Stewart puts sealant on lumber.

a man carrying a piece of wood

Dave Clapp, who directs the Present Indiana program, tries his hand at physical labor.

a group of men working on a construction site

Tim Ulrey, Jacob Pactor '04, and Adrian Starnes tackle a stack of wood.

a bridge over a river

The scenic spot where the old bridge was built and where it will rise again some time this fall.

a group of men working on a wood structure

Manbar Khadka and Omar Mainuddin get the lumber stacked right.

a group of people posing for a photo

The guys gather for a group shot before heading back to Crawfordsville.

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