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College Hall Renovation

a brick building with stairs

The entire entrance area to College Hall was reconstructed.

a brick building with a black fence

Iron rails decorate the front of many windows.

a room with couches and coffee table

Furniture just arrived for the first floor common space.

a bunk bed in a room

The housing in College Hall is set up with two bunkbeds in each end of a three-room suite. The middle room is a shared space for those four students.

a bathroom with a mirror and sink

The bathrooms were totally gutted and re-built.

a bathroom stall with white curtains

Shower stalls with curtains replaced communal showers.

a dryer and dryer in a laundry room

The basement laundry room features four washer/dryer pairs.

a room with a large window

Here is a view through a basement common room out to the adjoining courtyard space along Jennison Street.

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