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Sugar Creek

a man in a white kayak

Dustin Foster

Dustin Foster enjoys the ripples above Davis Bridge on Sugar Creek.

a man in a kayak on a river


Andrew Dits boards his kayak at Younts Mill.

a couple of men carrying canoes


Zach Manker and Rey Pacheco carry their kayaks to the creek.

a group of people kayaking on a river


Mike Bachner leads Nikeland Cooper, Dustin Foster, and Rey Pacheco, onto Sugar Creek

a couple of men paddling a kayak


Nikeland Cooper and Mike Bachner

a man pointing at a man's head


Pete Collier gave the group a mini-tour of the historic Younts Mill, where Civil War uniforms were once made.

a man in a kayak

manker 2

Zach Manker pushes off.

a man in a kayak


Cooper paddles through the ripples.

a man in a kayak


Pacheco above Davis Bridge.

close-up of a plant with purple flowers


The bluebells were in bloom along the creek bank

a bird flying in the sky


A redtail hawk soars over the group near Davis Bridge.

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