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Summer Sports Camps

a group of people sitting on grass

Wabash soccer coach Roberto Giannini explains a drill to the parents gathered to watch as their children participate in his summer camp.

a group of kids playing football

Dan Storey '08 shouts instructions as his team goes through drills.

a group of people on a field

Assistant Coach Jeff Oleck asks the campers questions prior to starting the next session.

a group of kids playing football

Storey explains a drill.

a group of people playing football

Two high school campers work on their technique with Coach Oleck.

a man and woman on a tennis court

Tennis coach Jason Hutchison with one of his students in the summer camp.

a group of people on a tennis court

Hutchison talks to two of the campers during a break in their match.

a woman and a girl holding tennis rackets

It's a family affair --- Hutchison's mother, Susie, works the camp as an instructor.

a group of boys in white shirts and red shorts posing for a photo

2007 Youth Soccer Camp

a group of people posing for a photo

2007 High School Soccer Camp

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