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Honors Scholars - Welcome/Parents Lunch

a man standing at a podium

President of the Independent Men's Association Jesse James talks about life in Wabash College dorms.

a man standing at a podium

Inter-Fraternity Council President Josh Owens welcomes the visiting students and shares information about College fraternities.

a man speaking into a microphone

English Professor Tobey Herzog conducted a 20-minute class for the students on the liberal arts and Wabash College.

a group of people sitting at a round table

Professor Cheyrl Hughes listens to a visitor's questions.

a group of people sitting in a room

Herzog questions a student about his future plans.

a group of people sitting at a table

Head Football Coach Chris Crieghton enjoys lunch with a set of parents.

a group of people serving food

Faculty and staff members joined the prospective students parents for lunch in Chadwick Court.

a group of people sitting at tables

Deborah and David Polley, far right, chat with parents during the Friday luncheon.

a group of women sitting at a table

Assistant Professor of French Veronique Zara, at right, listens to questions over lunch.

a group of people sitting at tables

Associate Director of Alumni Affairs Mike Warren, center, visits before lunch.

a group of people sitting at a round table

Director of Technology Brad Weaver, right, listens to a mother talk about her son.

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