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Honors Weekend, Registration & Fair

a group of people at a table

Prospective students were lined up early to take advantage of all of the morning activities.

a group of people standing around a table with papers on it

Parents also had many opportunities to learn more about Wabash.

a group of men standing in a room

Faculty and coaches spent the day talking with prospective students and their parents.

a group of people standing in a room

Honor Scholarship Weekend is one of the largest events the Admissions Office hosts each spring.

a group of people walking on a brick path

Campus tours were a popular attraction.

a man standing in a room with other people

The Honors Community Fair gives students, moms, and dads the chance to learn about campus organizations and activities.

a group of people sitting in a circle

A panel of parents of current Wabash men answered prospective parent questions from everything to studying to student housing.

a man standing in front of several people sitting in chairs

Professor Rick Warner moderated a student panel for parents on immersion learning and study abroad opportunities.

a man in a red shirt

Students and staff from Career Services spoke with parents about the programs offered through their office.

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